Friday, April 18, 2008

Psalm of the Day (Overview)

One the best tools that I have learned in regards to Spiritual Journeys has been the:
Psalm of the Day

I learned about this tool in my Spiritual Disciplines class at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary under the professor Dr. Don Whitney (you can learn more about him at

I have taught this tool to countless individuals at church in counseling sessions, Bible study classes, seeker groups, and one on one mentoring. I can easily "gare-on-tee" that if you work this resource, it will bless your walk with Christ.

Here is how it works -
1. Get a Bible and open it up to the book of Psalms. (Usually, you will find it right in the middle of the Bible) There are 150 Psalms total. You could read 5 a day and finish the whole book in a month (avg 30 days in a month: 150/30=5).

2. What is today's date? Take whatever day of the month it is for the day that you are reading. For example, today is April 18th. Therefore, 18 is my number. I will read Psalm 18.

3. Next, I will add 30 (since there are 30 days in a month) to that number to read the next one. For example, 18+30=48. Next, I will read Psalm 48.

4. Continue adding 30 til you have read 5 psalms. For example: 48+30=78; 78+30=108; 108+30=138.

5. Since Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the book of Psalms (and the longest in the Bible for that matter), I save it for the 31st of the month.

Here is the blessing of this tool:
A. It builds your prayer life. Many people share that they do not know how to pray. This is a great way to begin reading Biblical prayers and incorporating them into you own prayer life.

B. I can emphatically tell you that if you read the 5 Psalms of the day, one of them will speak to where you are emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritual at that moment. I guarantee it!

Many people have come back to me sharing their own stories of how God has blessed them, spoken to them, encouraged them, and strengthened them while applying the Psalm of the Day. My hope is that it does the same for you!

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