Monday, June 15, 2009


Many people are very nervous about teaching and sharing God's Word. I know I was when God first called me to teach for the very first time. Sally and I were part of a new Young Adult group that was only a year old. The current class director/teacher was feeling called to go help in another ministry due to their need. He was a very Godly man who was sensitive to Holy Spirit. He asked the class for a volunteer to help teach the class. Woah! not me! I shouted in my mind. I'm Mr. Introverted on the back row - er - oh wait. There was only one row of chairs in the classroom - but you know what I mean. :-) God impressed upon me about being available to serve wherever He called me. 'But Lord, teaching?' I did not have the faintest clue. Yet, God's peace came upon me as if He was stating - 'I will equip you for the task, My child' And He did just that. So if you are nervous about teaching or faciliating a group, trust in God and watch what miracles He does through you, a vessel to be used by the most Holy.

In my experiences of teaching, I have found several encouraging teaching helps from Here are some short articles about teaching and faciliating discussion for group teachers:

At the bottom of each article, you will find more links to articles on similar topics.

I hope this helps you in your pursuit of teaching God's Word - and what an awesome pursuit that is!!

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