Monday, December 15, 2008

1st Service Completed!!

What a great time we had on Sunday! God was so gracious during our worship time together in the Student Center on Sunday. Although there were some sound difficulties during rehearsals, everything went very well during our service!

I was so excited about our time together, that I was blazing through the announcements and introductions so fast that Ace commented that I almost reached 'auctioneer status'. LOL!

All in all, the worship time in music was fantastic. Megan lead truly from a worshipful heart. The band sounded great together and you could see the joy of music on their faces. The ushers and greeters did a great job of welcoming people and helping out with the offering as well. The tech team did a fabulous job working on the sound and video for the space. Merle gave an incredible sermon about the incarnation of Christ - Christ dwelling among us - that was powerful and insightful into God's grace and His love for us. Great stuff!!

I can't wait for next week! I look forward to seeing you there!! - same bat time - same bat channel - 11 am Student Center at the Liberty Campus.